1. It chooses randomly among all alternatives but the weights are skewed in
proportion to the travel times for each alternative.
2. it means travel times are averaged for successive intervals and the
traveltime is picked depending on the departure time of the vehicle and the
travel time along the route. Thus, if the vehicle departs at time 800
traveltimes from the first inteval are used. If the router searches a
sequence of edges with traveltime above 100, then subsequent edges along
the route will make use of traveltimes of the second interval (which spans
from time 900 to time 1800).

Am Do., 18. Mai 2023 um 07:32 Uhr schrieb Reza Bahmani <

> As documentation a new alternative route may be added in each iteration.
> The set of alternative routes contains 5 routes (as default). I just want
> to know after choosing the shortest path in iteration 0, how does duarouter
> change the route? Does it choose randomly or it chooses the second shortest
> path between an origin-destination in iteration 1, third shortest path in
> iteration 2 and etc?
> And about second question, I just want to know  "The travel time Tau_d(r,
> i+1) is calculated according to the aggregated and averaged link travel
> times per defined interval (default: 900 s) in Iteration i"  in
> documentation, means that choosing routes are based on averaged link travel
> times in just the first 900s of simulation or sum of all 900 seconds? and
> is there any way to change the interval 900s?
> On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 2:10 PM Jakob Erdmann <namdre.s...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> 1.
>> https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Demand/Dynamic_User_Assignment.html#alternative_route_selection
>> 2.
>> https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Demand/Dynamic_User_Assignment.html#route-choice_algorithm
>> Am Mi., 17. Mai 2023 um 11:05 Uhr schrieb Reza Bahmani <
>> rbaphysics1...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi
>>> I have some questions about duaiterate which i couldn't find in
>>> documentation.
>>> 1. How does duaiterate choose the set of alternative routes between an
>>> origin-destination?
>>> 2. How does duaiterate change the routes in each iteration? As I
>>> understood, it uses the travel time of each route in the first 900s of
>>> simulation and chooses the cheapest route. Is that right?
>>> thanks in advance
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