Hi Jakob,

Upon doing ‘sumo –version’ I get back the version “SUMO Version 
v0_32_0+0567-75b159a203”. I am using 64 bit Windows 10 OS.

1) In my case the trip file is created, however, the route files are not made 
(calling DUAROUTER by -r routes.xml in the randomTrips command).
2) This is the same in my case. When running the command ‘python  
randomTrips.py -n map.net.xml --trip-attributes="departLane=\best\ " -r 
routes.xml’ I have an error returned by DUAROUTER “Error: attribute value 
expected” & “Quitting (on error)”. The issue is when a correct input is passed, 
e.g. ‘python  randomTrips.py -n map.net.xml 
--trip-attributes="departLane=\”best\” departPos=\”random\”" -r routes.xml’ no 
error is returned and no routes.xml file is created.

Interestingly, when passing one correct parameter, e.g. ‘python  randomTrips.py 
-n map.net.xml --trip-attributes="departLane=\”best\”” -r routes.xml’, the same 
error “Error: attribute value expected” occurs, whereas with multiple 
parameters for –trip-attributes produces no error (and subsequently no route 

Kind regards,

From: Jakob Erdmann
Sent: 23 March 2018 11:24
To: Jonathan Harper; Sumo project User discussions
Cc: sumo-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [sumo-user] Error in randomTrips.py -> Routes with 

I am unable to reproduce both of these problems using the latest version of sumo
1) with the given command a trip file with correct format is created
2) when passing a randomTrips command that creates trips with invalid 
attributes ( departLane=\best\ ) randomTrips aborts with an error from duarouter
what version of sumo and what operating system are you using?

2018-03-22 23:40 GMT+01:00 Jonathan Harper via sumo-user 

I’m currently running a command to generated random trips to routes (using 
DUAROUTER). The command I am using is ‘python randomTrips.py -n 
input_net.net.xml --trip-attributes="departLane=\"best\" departSpeed=\"max\" 
departPos=\"random\""’, however, when appending the command ‘-r routes.xml’ 
DUAROUTER does not run (no success or failure, just no notification at all – 
this is confirmed as the file ‘routes.xml’ has not been created).

When running command ‘duarouter -n input_net.net.xml –route-files 
trips.trips.xml -o routes_new.xml’ I receive the error “Error: attribute value 

When I remove any of the ‘—trips-attributes’ from the randomTrips.py command it 
is successful.

An example trip in the trips.trips.xml file is as follow: <trip id="0" 
depart="0.00" from="499172074#1" to="496992868" departLane=\best\ 
departSpeed=\max\ departPos=\random" --route-file hello.xml/>

Kind regards,

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