Hello Sundial List,

I've been trying to locate detailed information on the design and construction of Sir Christopher Wren's large vertical sundial installed at All Souls College at Oxford in 1658. I'm familiar with Margaret Stanier's booklet, and I have a copy of a pamphlet published very recently by Dr John Simmons (of All Souls), but neither comes even close to providing the details I seek.

My efforts to find information on any subject using the internet have generally been exercises in frustration. I am constantly amazed by what some of you are able to find and would greatly appreciate any hints about how to conduct a successful search.

It doesn't seem possible that in the more than 3 centuries since the sundial was first installed no one has written extensively on its design and construction. But how to find those papers?

Thanks for any help.

Mac Oglesby
Putney, Vermont  USA

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