At 10:19 PM 7/20/00 +0200, PINEAU François wrote:

>you have some examples on this web site:
>where you can see wonderful photos about sundials in Queyras
>best wishes
>François Pineau
Bonjour Francois,

Merci beaucoup pour l'address pour le cadrans solaires de Queyras. 

This area in the southern alps of France is a wonderful place to search for
sundials. Every little village has sundials on all the important buildings,
the church, the town hall, the market, the manor. For example, in the town
of St. Veran there are over 30 sundials. These pictures brought back
memories for me of touring the area from Barcelonette to Briancon. I
recommend such a tour as a three star attraction, well worth as visit. For
those with limited time and money or wishing to avoid the drive over the
Col de Var, take the virtual tour at the web site noted above. 

Roger Bailey 
N 51  W 115

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