It is exactly my feeling. Looking for sundials ("hunting sundials") has lead
me to discover places where, otherwise, I should have never gone or even
suspected. Farms lost at the very end of  small paths, or ,like you,
splendid castles or old manors hidden from the usual tourists, with often a
quite new sight on the landscape; little gardens or lovely sunny courtyards
in the middle of a big town . But moreover it gave me also the opportunity
to meet (generally) friendly and greeting people, who often did not suspect
sundials were so interesting, and, from that, ready to chat for a while.
This is a social aspect of gnomonics  I really like.

Next week we have our spring meeting of  the "Commission des Cadrans
Solaires" in Paris. And some people dealing with dials restoration could be
interested in restoring the dial you mention. So could you, please, send me
the references of that dial (the "Catalogue des Cadrans Solaires" is really
big !).

Come back to France, and next time go west !

Jean-Paul Cornec

48° 44' 20" N
03° 27' 32" W

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