Hello All:

About a year ago, Tony Moss made some beautiful 4 x 8 inch bronze Equation
of Time plaques for me.  When we were working on their design, I originally
wanted them to have horizontal lines of one minute increments and vertical
lines of five day increments. This made a graph which was very busy with way
too many closely spaced lines, so we ended up using horizontal lines of five
minute increments and vertical lines with 5 day increments.

To avoid using so many lines, I recently designed a beaded EOT graph with
beads on the curve representing dates at ten day increments, and horizontal
lines with one minute increments. I also indicate the solstices and
equinoxes with larger beads. This version is attractive, precise and very
easy to read.

If anybody would like my original Delta Cad file (14.2 KB) of my beaded EOT
graph please tell me and I'll send it as an attachment. (note: you must have
Delta Cad to view this.  Unfortunately,I tried converting the DC file to
GIF, JPEG, and BMP files, but for some reason the beads don't show up in
these formats).


John Carmichael
Tucson Arizona

p.s To draw this graph on Delta Cad, I went about it in a roundabout way.
Because there are no programs available for drawing customized Delta Cad EOT
curves, I scanned the EOT graph in the Shadows generator program and placed
the scanned photo in DC. Then I traced over all the lines, added some nice
text and borders, then erased the photo. 

pps. It would be nice to have a DC macro which would allow the user to draw
customized EOT graphs with different time and date increments and different
allowable spacings between these lines. This way, you could make EOT curves
of different sizes and shapes which would be convenient for adding to dial
faces that have limited available free space.

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