Anselmo Perez Serrada asked:

>   Imagine an oriented wall (gnomonic declination equals to 0 deg in
> one side and 180 deg in the other), all of us know that the southern
> side is exposed more time to sunlight than the northern one, but where
> is this difference bigger?  It is clear that in the equator and in the
> North Pole the rate is 50% to 50%, ie., both sides receive the same
> amount of sunlight through a whole year, so there must be in the middle
> some latitude where the difference becomes maximal. Which is that
> latitude?

What a relief to learn I'm not the only one who frets over such obscure
questions.    ;-)

A few years ago I put my computer to the task of grinding out plots of the
annual percentage of sunlight available to dials at various orientations
and for various latitudes.  I employed the straightforward, brute-force
computational approach.  (My goal: to use the data to derive good approx-
imate expressions for predicting how many hours an arbitrary planar surface
receives sunlight.  I've yet to work out these approximations, however.) 

Here's a synopsis of my results;

           Percentage of Annual Sunlight
             on a Vertical Planar Dial
        Latitude    South-Facing  North-Facing
          -90           50.0          50.0
          -80           42.4          57.6
          -70           33.2          66.8
          -60           21.2          78.8
          -50           17.9          82.1
          -40           17.8          82.2
          -30           20.7          79.3
          -20           32.5          67.5
          -10           41.5          58.5
            0           49.0          51.0
          +10           56.5          43.5
          +20           65.9          34.1
          +30           78.3          21.7
          +40           81.5          18.5
          +50           81.4          18.6
          +60           78.1          21.9
          +70           66.0          34.0
          +80           57.2          42.8
          +90           50.0          50.0

Some highlights:

  * The greatest percentage of available sunlight for a south-facing
    vertical dial occurs at latitude +45 degrees.  (Likewise for
    north-facing vertical at latitude -45 degrees.)  How much so?
    If the weather is perpetually cloud-free, and if there are no
    obstructions -- houses, trees, hills, etc. -- then a dial so-
    oriented receives impinging sunlight 82% of the time the Sun is
    above the horizon.  Obviously, then, a north-facing vertical at
    the same latitude only gets 100% - 82% = 18% of the available Sun.

  * One would expect a direct-south vertical on the equator to receive
    the same amount of sunlight as a direct-north vertical.  This is
    true to first order.  But upon closer inspection, a slight asymmetry
    is evident: a north-facing surface actually receives a tad more
    sunlight throughout the year (51% versus 49%), a direct consequence
    of the Sun dwelling longer in northern declinations because of the
    Earth's slightly eccentric orbit.

  * These results show there's good reason for vertical direct-south
    dials to be more popular in north-temperate latitudes than in
    tropical or arctic climes.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~
   Mark Gingrich      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      San Leandro, California


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