Hello All

Many of us communcate with each other using the wonderful PDF format for all
our documents. My clients love it because it is easily opened with Adobe
Acrobat Reader. But many people complain that they don't know how to make

I use this inexpensive easy-to-use program available at www.fineprint.com

They just sent me their newsletter which you will find helpful if you need a
PDF writing program. (see below)


John L. Carmichael Jr.
Sundial Sculptures
925 E. Foothills Dr.
Tucson Arizona 85718

Tel: 520-696-1709
Website: <http://www.sundialsculptures.com>

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Weiner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "fineprint-announce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 12:17 PM
Subject: FinePrint Software Newsletter

> ----------------------
> FinePrint Announcement
> Hello FinePrint and pdfFactory users,
> Our last email to you was in December, 2001 when we released pdfFactory
> Pro.  Since then, we have been hard at work refining both pdfFactory and
> FinePrint.
> pdfFactory Pro has a new bookmark feature which we are very excited
> about.  The bookmark feature utilizes the bookmark pane in Adobe Acrobat
> Reader to make navigating documents easier.  pdfFactory Pro has three
> bookmarks modes:
> 1.  table of contents mode - uses bookmarks to allow creation of complex
> tables of contents based on the text sytles used in a document.  This
> feature is similar the table of contents feature found in Microsoft
> Word.  pdfFactory Pro can generate a table of contents for ANY document
> based on the text styles within it.
> 2.  job mode - adds a bookmark for each print job in the PDF.  This
> allows PDFs to be used as navigable generic document containers, similar
> in size and function to a ZIP file.
> 3.  manual mode - allows bookmarks to be manually created by selecting
> the page to be bookmarked in the pdfFactory preview.
> With FinePrint, we have been working on improved reliability with
> applications and with all of the various Windows platforms.  Among the
> recent improvements in FinePrint are:
> - better bitmap imaging
> - improved terminal server/citrix support
> - support for hardware copies on printers that support it
> - better support for Postscript printers
> Look for a major upgrade to FinePrint later this year!
> Registered users of FinePrint and pdfFactory may use the latest releases
> for FREE.
> You may download the latest releases at www.fineprint.com.  Just install
> over your current version and your registration will remain intact.  If
> you are using the Enterprise versions and want to download, click the
> Product link and then Enterprise Edition link.
> If you are registered user of the standard pdfFactory (not Pro), you can
> upgrade to pdfFactory Pro for $50.  pdfFactory Pro contains the bookmark
> feature mentioned above as well as full security options and live URLs.
> Information about upgrading can be found here:
> http://www.fineprint.com/support/upgrade.html
> As always, we appreciate your continued support of our products.  We
> value your comments so please send them to us.
> Jonathan Weiner
> Mark O'Brien
> FinePrint Software
> --------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe from the mailing list:
> Send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] from the
> account you want to remove from the list.
> You will receive an email confirming your action from the FinePrint
> email list server.
> -----------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe send an email to:


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