There exists a program for the Palm Pilot which does exactly what you
want.  It is called Sol II.  It is shareware and can be found, I
on the or websites. If you cannot find it I can
try to help you further.

Good luck,
Steve Madden

Steve Turley wrote:
> Esteemed list...
> My wife is a realtor who often wants to determine the direction a house
> is facing. Being directionally impaired, and not having a car with a
> built-in compass, she is usually at a loss. I had the idea, not
> especially original or brilliant, of writing an anti-sundial for her
> Palm PDA. My idea is that, given the time and approximate location and
> knowing the position of the sun, we should be able to determine which
> way is North. I was thinking of a program that would draw a compass rose
> and display a marker showing the sun's position. She would then rotate
> the Palm until the marker pointed at the sun and, voila, the rose would
> be oriented properly. Accuracy of +/- 30 degrees is adequate.
> Any reason this won't work?
> And, since I'm mathematically lazy, can someone tell me how to do the
> calculation?
> Thanks.
> -

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