Our sundial business regularly receives questions via our Website, (mainly
from pupils wanting us to help with school projects) - but I am forwarding
this one to the "Sundial Mailing List", as it is more unusual than normal.

> From: "signelerin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 16:30:15 -0600

> My name is Signe Best, and I am hoping you will be able to answer a
> few questions I have about sundials and the shadows they cast at
> certain times of the year.

> I understand that the time of the equinox is the moment the sun's
> shadow becomes exact with the line of the equator making day and night
> of nearly equal length (12 hrs), and the exact point when winter becomes
> spring.  The official equinox date varies from March 20-22 according to
> the US Naval Observatory.  Will the literal observation of a sundial
> pinpoint more accurately than 3 days ?   If this sundial was set up in
> Jerusalem, would it show the exact day that winter ends and spring
> begins ?   Has anyone counted the days according to a sundial from the
> 1st day of spring one year to the 1st day of spring the next ?   Will
> this always be the same amount of days ?   Have you ever recorded the
> moment when winter ends and spring begins, from any sundial ?   Was
> this the same day as the official equinox ?

> These questions are of a religious nature for me.  Any assistance would
> be greatly appreciated, or perhaps you could direct me to someone who
> could help.

> Thank You, in advance !

> Signe Best

Maybe members of this "Sundial Mailing List" could E-mail direct to Signe,
as well as 'copying' their thoughts to the list for the benefit of others.

I shall take this opportunity to wish all members a very "Happy New Year".

Best Regards,

Douglas Hunt.


"MODERN SUNCLOCKS" - 'Human Sundials', using YOUR OWN SHADOW to tell time.

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Mail Address: 1 Love Street, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland, KA13 7LQ, UK.
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