Hi  David,
if I have not made great mistakes in my calculations -  done quickly :-)  -   you cannot inscribe any hour lines on your polar sundial facing north.
At Lat. 52N on summer solstice, the Sun rises at 3h 47m (civil time) or at  3h 45m apparent Solar time.
At 4h apparent time,  the sun  has (year 2004) : Azimuth= -127.3508d   and Altitude=1.7789d. 
With these values and with a gnomon  13 units high, the shadow point falls at 22.5 units from the dial center westward     and at 11.3 units downward : for this reason out  your dial. 
In the next hours, and in different days, the things become worse and the shadow point moves away.
For example at  4h30m (apparent time) the shadow falls at 31.4 units from the center westward, etc.  
At 6h the Sun passes in front of the dial. 
Obviously the things are symmetrical in the evening hours.
Gianni Ferrari
44° 39' N      10° 55' E

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