
I saw your equation of time question on the remailer list.
The equation that I use is from a book called "Practical
Astronomy with your Calculator" and is more involved.  I
think that it is similar to yours but not sure.  Here is what
I use I hope there are no transcription errors.  For July 27th
1980 at noon eot = -6 min 25sec (Remember noon is July 27.5) I
have written it more in "computereze" than mathamatical.  There
is a more precise method but I think this is close enough for


 1. Calculate the right ascension of the Sun in decimal hours:

  D = Number of days since January 0.0 = (209.5)

  Add/subtract number of days since/till 1990
  D = 209.5 - 3653  = -3443.5

  N = 360/365.242191 * D   = -3394.0767

  Subtract or add multiples of 360 until N is in the range
  N = 205.92332

  ' The following Three variables can be calculated for other
  ' epochs
  EL = 279.403303       ecliptic longitude at epoch 1990.0
  PL = 282.768422       ecliptic longitude of perigee
  OE = 23.441884        ecliptic obliquity

  E  = .016713          eccentricity of the orbit
  M = N + EL - PL   = 202.5582
  If M is negative add 360

  EC =  360/PI * E * sin(M)  = -0.7347003

  L = N + EC + EL = 484.59192  Sun's geocentric ecliptic longitude
  If L more than 360, subtract 360
  L = 124.59192

  RA = atan( sin(L)*cos(OE)/cos(L)) = -53.068296
  Remove abiguity of atan
  RA = RA + 180 = 126.9317

  H = RA/15 = 8.462113

2. Take H as GST and convert to Universal Time.

  JD = Julian Date of 0hour on this calender date. = 2444447.5
  S  = JD - 2451545.0  = -7097.5
  T  = S/36525.0   = -0.194319
  T0 = 6.697374558 + (2400.051336 * T) + (0.000025862 * T^2)

  T0 = -459.6781
  Reduce T0 to the range of 0-24 by adding or subtracting
  multiples of 24
  T0 = 20.321904

  UT = H - T0 = -11.859791
  Reduce UT to the range of 0-24 by adding or
  subtracting multiples of 24
  UT = 12.140209

  UT = UT * 0.9972695663 = 12.10706

  3. Calculate EOT in decimal hours

  EOT = 12 - UT   = -0 .10706 hours
  EOT = -6m 25.4s

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