Dear Dave,

Your calculations are close, but being 1.9 degrees east of your meridian, this 
makes your dial run fast by 7 minutes, 36 seconds, not including the equation 
of time.  Each degree of longitude from the meridian affects the dial by 4 

So, your dial should be 7' 36" fast by your location, plus 3' 44" fast for what 
you give as the EoT, for a total of 11' 20" fast on may 13.

If your dial is accurately made, and you are able to read the sundial time to 
within a few seconds (you may be able to do this if you know how to use a 
shadow sharpener), you can calculate how "misaligned" your dial or wall is 
using .  It works best near the 
solstices, so next month would be the ideal time to try it out.

Bill Gottesman

----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 7:10 PM
  Subject: South Vertical Declining dial

  Dear Sirs: Here's my problem. When my south vertical declining dial reads 
11:00 my watch (set by Click here: The official US time ) reads 10:50, when it 
reads 12:00 my watch  reads 11:50 at 2:00 the watch reads 1:50 and at 3:00 the 
watch reads 2:50. The location of the dial is at 33.44N and 118.1W, the 
declination of the wall is between .1 degree and 2.7 degrees west of south 
depending on the accuracy of the measurement. I used two methods one from which produced the .1 degree and 
the other from Click here: Sundial Sculptures by John Carmichael, Jr. which 
produced 2.7 degree based on the measurements I gave him. John was extremely 
helpful and even sent dial plate with gnomon measurements. The times above were 
taken on 5/13/07. The standard time meridian in my area is 120 degrees, me 
being at 118.1 = equals approximately 4 minutes and the EOT on the 13th is 3:44 
(from table A.1 in Sundials - Their Theory and Construction, by Albert E Waugh, 
that's still only adds up to  7:44. If this is the wrong forum for this kind of 
problem please let me know, any and all help is appreciated.
  Thanks Dave Koller   

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