Included in the "bad sundials" list should be sundials, which were properly constructed for the location but improperly installed or improperly re-installed after cleaning or refurbishment. I happened to notice one I think falls in the latter category on the way to the terminal at Heathrow Airport last week. When the "Hoppa" bus stopped at the Renaissance Hotel off Bath Road (on the airport or south side), looking out the bus window, I noticed their sundial in the small garden in front of the main entrance. This is an equatorial dial. The gnomon does not point to the NCP. It points to the south and looks like the whole sundial needs to be rotated 180 degrees about the vertical. I didn't have time to get out and look at it more closely but I suspect there are four symmetrical mounting bolts and the sundial installer just plunked it down in the first orientation that fitted the bolts. Or some such mounting problem. The picture on their website seems to have the correct orientation judging by the direction of the shadow of the whole sundial.
Has anyone else noticed this "bad sundial"? Or reported it to the hotel? Pictures taken from inside the bus available on request. -- Richard
| Richard B. Langley E-mail: | | Geodetic Research Laboratory Web: | | Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Phone: +1 506 453-5142 | | University of New Brunswick Fax: +1 506 453-4943 | | Fredericton, N.B., Canada E3B 5A3 | | Fredericton? Where's that? See: http:// |


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