Not sure what you did wrong, but you can download Time Zone Master for free from which shows sundial time for any location, and corrects for EoT, light refraction, aberration, nutation and precession, as well as any of about 100 different timezone rules.

On 2011-10-13 23:10, Donald Christensen wrote:

Not sure what I'm doing wrong

I wrote a program so that I can set my watch to solar time.

Something is wrong. Either my program is wrong or my sundial is inaccurate.

To use the program

Set your computer accurately to clock time

Run the macro 'recalc'. This will make the clock on your computer display on the spreadsheet in real time. This will also input today's date. This date will lookup the EOT and either add or subtract the time

Set your watch to solar time

The purple cell is for troubleshooting. 1 = add the eot values (positive or negative). -1 will subtract these values. Once I figure out which one to use, it will be true for all days. At the moment, neither work

My objective is to make a solar compass that will work for my area only

I'll simply rotate the sundial that I designed with longitude correction until it agrees with my watch that I set to solar time.

I understand that the EOT has accuracy problems. However, I thought it was accurate enough for what I want it for. I'd like your feedback on that. I'd also like your feedback on whether or not my goal is realistic in spite of the accumulation of small errors such as eot, sundial accuracy, gnomon placement and gnomon perpendicular to the dial

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So there!


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