That is even more ridiculous.  Almost daily some child in my school is falling 
down and skinning a knee, arguing with others or getting in a small pushing 
match.  We have over 460 kids, its going to happen.  And if 20 years from now, 
getting skin cancer, prove it that it came from standing on a sundial when you 
were 7 years old and it was not from playing at the beach or playing on 
weekends in their own backyard. There is no more a liability with a human 
sundial then there is playing hopscotch, probably less, you could trip playing 

I would like to know the real, truthful reason these sundials are being banned, 
and it better be a good one.





-----Original Message-----
From: David Bell <>
To: darkroom3 <>
Cc: Reinhold.Kriegler <>; sundial 
Sent: Wed, May 16, 2012 2:12 pm
Subject: Re: Why are schools, across the world, 'banning' analemmatic sundials ?

It has little or nothing to do with controlling the students, or even concern 
over their welfare. It all comes down to liability. 

Should some child be injured in a schoolyard scuffle, or 20 years later develop 
a skin cancer, some shyster lawyer WILL find a way to hold the school 


Sent from my iPhone

On May 15, 2012, at 9:15 AM, wrote:

Those  are utter rediculous reasons for not having an analemmatic sundial at 
school.  Do these schools have no control or supervision over their students?  
It is great to get students outside to learn.  Many people learn better by 
hands-on-learning.  I had planned to make an analemmatic sundial on my school 
bus lot this year but it will have to wait until next fall.  Our principle and 
teachers are excited to have it because it will be used for several different 
lesson by the entire elementary school.  My environemental club made small 
sundials and learned the basics, next year will be the human sundial project.  
Roger Bailey and Mac Oglesby, I have not forgotten you and still all everything 
you gave me to help make the sundial at school.  It will happen.
I would think the ones banning the sundials should be more worried about the 
weapons, drugs, bullying, stealing, and anti-social behavior of their students 
instead being out in the sun too long or fighting over the sundial. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Reinhold Kriegler <>
To: Sundial Mailingliste <>
Sent: Tue, May 15, 2012 11:21 am
Subject: Why are schools, across the world, 'banning' analemmatic sundials ?

Dear Martina,
I still remember your previous message!

The world is crazy!

In Germany I have heard in a radio transmission last year, parents went to a 
lawyer after there children fell over a tree root while walking with the class 
on a public path through a forest… and private forest owners are thinking of no 
longer allowing people to walk on their paths through the forest… as they had 
to fight with several reports at the law courts!

My beautiful analemmatic sundial was destroyed by jealouse women colleagues and 
they worried a lot about a friendly newspaper article. I was even called by the 
headmistress and she was not ashamed to tell me “There are also other good 
teachers at our school!” – because of a harmless sentence of a 10 years old 
girl about me! Nothing else! So you see where the real danger is! It is the 
jealousy, nothing else!

I created a nice story about this analemmatic sundial within my homepage  and I am always grinning when I see that the link was visited 

Do not fight against these stupid people who seriously think that analematic 
sundials would be dangerous! Create a wall of shame with lots of funny comments 
and write the names of those who want to ban the sundial on it! 
A big laughter is the best medicine against such people! And if such a wall of 
shame is multiplied by social networks there would be a beautiful big laughter 
around the world!
Good luck to you! And build your analemmatic sundial!!!
Let many analemmatic sundials grow on school grounds or before them…!
Reinhold Kriegler

* ** *** **** ***** ****** *******
Reinhold R. Kriegler
Lat. 53° 6' 52,6" Nord; Long. 8° 53' 52,3 Ost; 48 m ü. N.N.  GMT +1 (DST +2)
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [] Im 
Auftrag von Martina Addiscott
Gesendet: Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012 16:20
Betreff: Why are schools, across the world, 'banning' analemmatic sundials ?
Roughly one year ago, I had mentioned on this 'Mailing List' that
our local Educational Authority would not permit us to install an
interactive 'analemmatic' sundial on our school playground - since
their opinion was that it was simply too dangerous, for children !
It now seems that other countries are 'banning' these, for similar
"Health and Safety" reasons - which I think is totally ridiculous,
and suggest that the general Sundial community should 'protest' to
the people concerned, as otherwise we are in danger of losing the
opportunity to have these interesting outdoor educational projects.
I know that they are generally 'frowned-upon', by schools here in
Britain - but it appears that Canadian and Australian schools have
also decided, that these 'Human Sundials' cause too much trouble !
See the page at:
If anyone might like to join me in a 'campaign', to stop sundials
being discouraged by schools - then please get in touch with me by
E-mail, or you could also contact me on my mobile: +44 7769561152.
Should anyone have comments on this deplorable situation - then I
would also appreciate your thoughts, direct to the 'Mailing List'.
Martina Addiscott.




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