Children, protected from all hazards in the nanny cocoon will ultimately rebel, 
seeking freedom, take risks and causing trouble. We are all familiar with acts 
of vandalism against sundials in public places. This link shows this is a 
worldwide phenomenon. The pictures show a couple of examples in Mallorca. See .  The first 
is rogue bikers trashing Rafael Soler's analemmatic sundial in Palma. The 
second shows the equatorial disc on another of his sundials bent and twisted. 
It had been twisted right off when I checked the site last month. Let kids 
explore and take risks. Perhaps then they will be less interested in 
destructive risks later.

Regards, Roger Bailey

From: "Martina Addiscott" <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 7:19 AM
To: <>
Subject: Why are schools, across the world, 'banning' analemmatic sundials ?

> Roughly one year ago, I had mentioned on this 'Mailing List' that
> our local Educational Authority would not permit us to install an
> interactive 'analemmatic' sundial on our school playground - since
> their opinion was that it was simply too dangerous, for children !
> It now seems that other countries are 'banning' these, for similar
> "Health and Safety" reasons - which I think is totally ridiculous,
> and suggest that the general Sundial community should 'protest' to
> the people concerned, as otherwise we are in danger of losing the
> opportunity to have these interesting outdoor educational projects.
> I know that they are generally 'frowned-upon', by schools here in
> Britain - but it appears that Canadian and Australian schools have
> also decided, that these 'Human Sundials' cause too much trouble !
> See the page at:
> If anyone might like to join me in a 'campaign', to stop sundials
> being discouraged by schools - then please get in touch with me by
> E-mail, or you could also contact me on my mobile: +44 7769561152.
> Should anyone have comments on this deplorable situation - then I
> would also appreciate your thoughts, direct to the 'Mailing List'.
> Sincerely,
> Martina Addiscott.
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------

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