Hi Andrew et al,
There is a picture of about 9 of the dials from Scottish lighthouses lined up 
on a wall (just before their sale in 1997) in BSS Bulletin 11(i), p. 49, 
February 1999.
The story of the Bath Pump Room Tompion dial has been in the Bulletin too - all 
(sundial) life is there!

Dr J Davis
Flowton Dials

--- On Wed, 16/5/12, Andrew James <andrew.ja...@securetogether.co.uk> wrote:

From: Andrew James <andrew.ja...@securetogether.co.uk>
Subject: RE: sundials and tower clocks
To: "Sundial List" <sundial@uni-koeln.de>
Date: Wednesday, 16 May, 2012, 12:06

Dear John, Frank, Kevin, et al,
I remember a letter from Charles Aked in Antiquarian Horology circa 1970 
showing his son (then about 8?) at one of the Scottish lighthouse dials in situ.
I believe they were all (?) sold off perhaps about 15 years ago and think I 
have a cutting somewhere from a newspaper article showing them in a sort of 
well ordered heap. 
Regarding the Tompion dial at the Pump Room, a letter in Horological Journal in 
I think March 1960 shows what is probably this dial, so actually it was 
“discovered” by that writer near Bath some years before Brigadier Neilson 
“found” it and presented it to the Pump Room.
Andrew James 
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