It's a pretty common scam. The perp gets access to someone's email address 
book, and sends out the appeal to various contacts. It doesn't seem to be ALL 
contacts, and it isn't clear how they are selected. The first such email I 
received was "from" a lady we met on a trip, and had exchanged maybe a dozen 
emails with, over at least five years. 

A change of password is usually all it takes to lock them back out, but 
sometimes that's complicated by the email service one uses. A good, strong 
password now, and care not to respond to spammers should prevent it.


-----Original Message-----
From: sundial [] On Behalf Of Darek Oczki
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 7:05 AM
Subject: Tony Moss - hacked

Early this morning I got a message from an individual pretending to be Tony 
Moss. He said he is in Limassol, Cyprus, and his case was stollen. Then he 
requested a loan of 850€. Perhaps others got something simillar. I hope nobody 
gave him anything.

Best regards
Darek Oczki
52N 21E
Warsaw, Poland
Sundials in Poland


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