As mentioned on the list, there are several planetarium apps available already, for various OSs.

But If you would like to write something custom, I am available as a programmer consultant. I wrote the first planetarium programme for Windows called 'MyStars!' which peaked in popularity around 2001.

Writing an accurate planetarium programme requires numerous formulas, including those to do precession, nutation, and refraction calculations. If you want planets and moons as well, you also have to add formulas to calculate orbital positions then project these onto the celestial sphere.

Most planetarium programs use the 'Bright Star Catalog'. Scientific data is generally free, as well as the formulas, if you know what you are looking for.

David Patte

P.S. I have also writen Sundial Simulators, by the way.

On 2014-05-22 3:56, Astrovisuals wrote:
I wonder if anyone can help? I want to produce a basic planetarium app for iPad that shows the appearance of the Night Sky anywhere on earth.
I believe I need:
A program to convert RA and Dec to Alt-azimuth co-ordinates.
A list of stars, plus details about how to add “constellation lines” between selected bright stars.
A way of incorporating the Milky Way as a vector file.
Would be grateful for any help; am happy to pay for programs, lists etc.
And on a different subject, I would like to enter a sundial in the Italian Astronomers’ International contest for sundial makers, but cannot find the form to fill in. Can someone supply a PDF or web address?
David Widdowson, Astrovisuals Australia <>



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