Well, you could include both ways.  This is a really nice resource you have
provided.  Did you already say the reference for your high precision
calculations?  -Bill

On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Kevin Karney <kar...@me.com> wrote:

> Dear Friends
> Thanks for the positive comments!
> And thanks to Gianni Ferrari, Patrick Powers, Edward French and Jack
> Aubert for pointing out the MAJOR error in the Annual Equation of Time
> Table.
> It was giving EoT values *across* the table instead of *down*, which is
> an error I had corrected before - but had crept back in....!
> That has been corrected.... Many apologies
> Also, by popular request,  I have changed the sign of EoT from the strict
> astronomical convention to the more usual gnomonical convention (the
> correction to get from sundial to local mean time).
> Gianni also wants Azimuth measured from the South... I am a 0 deg at North
> person. Any thoughts ? I will probably change things to give a radio
> button, so you can choose.
> I have had requests for a solar noon table and solar east/west table and a
> half-minute Victorian table - which I shall implement in due course
> Best wishes
> Kevin
> ---------------------------------------------------
> https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/sundial

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