Hi Dan et al,
Alan Mills was co-author of an article "Sundials for the Blind" in BSS Bulletin 
15(ii), 58-60 (June 2003).
John------------------------- Dr J Davis
Flowton Dials http://www.flowton-dials.co.uk/
BSS Editor http://sundialsoc.org.uk/publications/the-bss-bulletin/

      From: "tonylindi...@talktalk.net" <tonylindi...@talktalk.net>
 To: sundial@uni-koeln.de 
 Sent: Thursday, 11 June 2015, 9:21
 Subject: Re: Sundial for the visually impaired

Hi Dan,
            Allan Mills exhibited a sundial for the blind at the BSS Yarnfield 
conference.  A sun spot heated a narrow copper strip wound around the outside 
of a cylinder with raised numerals in braille. A totlly blind person could then 
'feel' the time.

 I have a small jpeg if anyone would like to see it via < lindisun...@gmail.com 

Tony Moss

----Original Message----
From: cerculdest...@gmail.com
Date: 10/06/2015 8:35 
To: <sundial@uni-koeln.de>
Subj: Sundial for the visually impaired

I was wondering: has anyone designed a sundial for the blind? Can there be one? 
How do you make people feel the shadow?
Dan Uza---------------------------------------------------



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