There is the huge Quitsato Sundial near Quito. If you Google "Quitsato Sundial" 
and select Images, you'll find some with people in them.
-- Richard Langley

| Richard B. Langley                            E-mail:         |
| Geodetic Research Laboratory                  Web:      |
| Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering    Phone:    +1 506 453-5142   |
| University of New Brunswick                   Fax:      +1 506 453-4943   |
| Fredericton, N.B., Canada  E3B 5A3                                        |
|        Fredericton?  Where's that?  See:       |

From: sundial <> on behalf of David 
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 9:20 AM
To: sundial
Subject: Sundials near the Equator

Dear fellow shadow-watchers...

Can anyone direct me to images of large sundials near to the Equator,
preferably with some element of human involvement?

David Brown
Somerton, Somerset UK

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