Dear friends,
a new issue of the Italian magazine Orologi Solari is available for
download from the usual site

Here is the list of articles together with a short abstract:

1. "Paralipomeni of the "daylight triangle" on horizontal sundials" by
Albéri Auber Paolo
After the Gnomonic National Seminar held in Chatillon in October 2012, the
author was correctly urged by Alessandro Gunella to elaborate
(Paralipomeni) on what is written in the records. The subject of the
daylight triangle and more generally of the estimate of the duration of the
day in different seasons is thus resumed.

2. "The daylight triangle and its use" by Albéri Auber Paolo and Caviglia
The article explains what the daylight triangle, little-known to today's
gnomonists, is and how it must be used to deduce the length of the day in
different seasons. In particular, the problem of how to use the triangle in
an ancient (or temporal) sundial is addressed; actually, the operation is
not immediate in this case and it requires some calculation.

3. "Bifilar sundials with Photoshop" by Caviglia Francesco and Nicelli
A fundamental property of bifilar sundials on flat surfaces with
rectilinear wires parallel to the dial is recalled: to be simply achievable
by scaling one of the cartesian coordinates of a gnomonic point sundial
drawn on the same dial. How this transformation can be done using an image
processing program is explained and formulas to obtain it through
calculation are reported.

4. "Equatorial sundial" by Coco Nicola
The construction and operation of a simple equatorial sundial, elegant and
instructive, is described. A brief reminder of the French gnomonist Robert
Sagot, who proposed this sundial model in a short paper, is reported in the

5. "Personal considerations on the gnomonic history (2nd part)" by Gunella
The article is the author personal excursus into the part of the gnomonic
history limited to Europe and to Mediterranean. A stimulus for those who
may want to complete it in any deficient or missing parts.

6. "Matelica & Prosymna: the point of view of one who makes use of
graphical methods only" by Gunella Alessandro
Following the recent articles concerning the Sphere of Prosymna, published
in "The Compendium" and in this magazine, the author, having resumed part
of his discussion on the Matelica sphere already published in 1999 in the
UAI magazine "Gnomonica Italiana", analyzes by means of graphical methods
only the traces marked on the Prosymna globe.

7. "Transparency sundial with trifocal lens gnomon" by Cesare Lucarini and
Mario Catamo
On a glass window at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", the authors have
built a transparency sundial with a trifocal lens gnomon. The construction
process is illustrated, from calculation to drawing, glass engraving,
decoration and assembly. Special attention is given to the description of
the gnomon, consisting of a trifocal lens that focuses the light spot,
greatly enhancing the vision by transparency, inadequate with traditional
methods because of the large dimensions of the sundial. The time shown is
the TMEC noon.

8. "Reflection sundials" by Savoie Denis
Formulas for the calculation of reflection sundials, where both mirror and
dial have a generic orientation, are reported.

9. "An unusual horizontal height sundial" by Denis Savoie and Joseph Theubet
The unusual horizontal height sundial installed in front of the Museum of
the History of Science in Geneva is discussed. The instrument dial is drawn
on a rotating disk, to be oriented according to the date and to the
direction of the Sun.

10. "Return from the past" by Stocco Elsa
The author describes the recovery phases of an ancient Italic sundial on
the block of a historic Trevigiano farm: a teamwork that combined
techniques of conservative restoration with those of gnomonic computation.
On the ancient plaster, which has regained the material finesse, the
original appearance and vibrations, the ancient sundial returns to live and
to mark time, symbol of a place connected to the culture of earth and
nature and therefore unavoidably to Sun and heaven.

A digital bonus can also be downloaded for additional reference material.

Hope you will enjoy the reading, although in Italian only.


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