Dear sundial friends,
A long time ago I put on my web page
a PostScript file in the beginning of the Sundial part of the page, which draws 
a quadrant sundial.
Later I made a DeltaCad macro with almost the same drawing reflecting a whole 
year and DST included, but it was not published.
These days I returned to the quadrant and finished a variant which draws a 
sundial for any separate month. It allows much easier and accurate reading of 
the time, but one has to prepare twelve times a new dial for the next month.
The attachment has an extension .zi, but it is in fact a .zip file in order to 
avoid blocking by servers. You have to rename it as .zip before using. It 
contains both year and month variants of the quadrant sundial for DeltaCad. A 
demo version of the program exists at
The instructions for making the quadrant sundial can be read in the beginning 
of the files quadrant.bas and quadm.bas using any text editor.
The files can be found also at the bottom of my page given above.
Any opinions and comments are welcome.
I wish to everyone more happy hours devoted to the sundials!
Valentin Hristov

Attachment: quadrant.zi
Description: quadrant.zi


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