Hi Roger,Three dots half hour markers are very common on 17th and early 18th 
century English dials. The marker is a simplified form the lilly mark 
(also named "fleur de lys" from French), found on more sophisticated dials of 
the period.Some fine examples can be found in database of Oxford Science 
Museum: http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/collections/imu-search-page/Regards,Maciej 
LoseOd: "Roger" <rtbai...@telus.net>Do: "SundialList" 
<sundial@uni-koeln.de>; Wysłane: 19:01 Poniedziałek 2018-07-16Temat: Half 
Hour DotsI have seen several examples of the half hour lines on sundials 
highlighted by three dots. One example is the 1680 double horizontal on the 
cover of the recent BSS Bulletin June 2018. Another is Thomas Jefferson’s dial 
at the museum in St Louis See NASS Compendium, 15, 3 Sept 2008.  A third 
is the Fort Pitt 
sundialhttp://sundials.org/index.php/component/sundials/oneDial/641 Here is a 
picture of a recent dial showing the 
  Is this a common style feature? Is it characteristic of a specific 
location like UK, Scotland or period like 17th 18th century. Are there links to 
other examples? Any contributions gratefully accepted. Roger Bailey 

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