Has any member of the List ever come across this book - and (if so),
could you seriously recommend it as an educational item for schools?

The title of it is "Time Flies - Really? Prove it!", from the author
Brian Macfarlane.  The ISBN number is 978-1977085498, which contains
about 160 pages and is available via "Amazon" for around Five Pounds.

Attached is a very small JPEG image, illustrating its 'front cover'.

Apparently, it describes the use of his 'Multi-purpose Sundial' plus
is aimed at schools as being a curriculum-wide project - but looking
at the illustration on the front cover, it seems to be a 'NON-dial'!

In a private Email to myself, the author claims it has been endorsed
by Sir Anthony Seldon (Vice-Chancellor of "Buckingham University"),
who seemingly has described it as being 'a good idea for schools'.

As a teacher, I would prefer to have some independent opinions from
sundial 'experts' - before considering its use for my own school, as
this could be a "total waste of money" with no 'educational value'.

I look forward to any information - either to the List, or privately.

Sincerely, Linda Reid.



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