Dear all,

For those interested in current gnomonic events: I would like to mention
that there has been a sundial conference near Mannheim in Germany between
5-8 August which I had the pleasure to attend and post some photos on my
Facebook account.

The presentations (in German language) covered many interesting topics,
ranging from sundial history, sundial books, sundial funding programs,
sundial quizzes to modern technology applied to sundial manufacturing.
The circa 70 participants also had fun visiting local gnomonic sights in
and around Birkenau in the Odenwald - a small town which holds an
international record for the highest sundial density (8 sundials/square
km). All attendees received an anniversary medal and a jubilee album, gifts
which will also be sent to partner sundial organizations.

It was quite a special reunion since this year the German sundial working
group (Fachkreis Sonnenuhren) celebrates its 50th anniversary. The group is
part of the German Society for Timekeeping, a larger organization dealing
with various areas of horology.

I would like to thank the organizers for this wonderful and stimulating
conference! I am already looking forward to next year's meeting.

PS: If you would like to know more about the local sundials, I highly
recommend the new book "Sonnenuhren in Birkenau" ("Sundials in Birkenau").
It's also in English and French, available via

Dan-George Uza

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