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Hi Bryan,

There are two dial plates, each with a half analemma. They are swapped at 6 
month intervals.


Dr J Davis
Flowton Dials http://www.flowton-dials.co.uk/
BSS Editor http://sundialsoc.org.uk/publications/the-bss-bulletin/

> On 8 Aug 2022, at 18:00, Bryan Mumford <br...@bmumford.com> wrote:
> I am new to the list and just beginning to study and build sundials. I 
> apologize for any inappropriate use of this list.
> I have seen images of the dolphin dial at Greenwich. I thought at first that 
> the curved lines on the dial were correction for the analemma. But if this 
> were so, they would only be correct for half the year. What’s the story on 
> this dial?
> - Bryan
> <PastedGraphic-1.tiff>
> ---------------------------------------------------
> https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/sundial

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