Hi Maciej,

Thanks for your recent post. Since no one seems to have replied to your plea in the final paragraph for software to draw a stereographic/Oughtred dial, here are some existing open software options:

* Gian Casalegna's _Orologi Solari_ will draw one: azimuth: horizontal/vertical: astrolabe

*Helmut Sondereggers' _Sonne_ will draw at least a horizontal stereograph: Azimuthal: Sun Altitude

* Valentin Hristov has written some elegant code for DeltaCad :www.math.bas.bg/complan/valhrist/az-ht.bas  [When I tried to re-run it a few minutes ago, it now seems to be stuck in a loop which I haven't had time to debug. I've attached an example which I created about 4 years ago].

So: no need to create a stereograph by hand!

best wishes,


On 27/10/2022 4:02:34, ml...@interia.pl wrote:
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Dear All,

As proven in a separate tread on "Sun elevation tool/ horizontoscope", stereographic projection is
a fascinating geometric construction with great potential in gnomonics.

During last year I explored the idea of vertical stereographic sundial and it resulted in
a paper describing several stereographic sundial types:

- vertical stereographic sundial, for walls of any declination and for any latitude, - four-sided stereographic vertical sundial, attractive for its “gnomon-less” form, - double – stereographic & polar – vertical sundial for walls of any declination, a vertical reference to Oughtred’s horizontal design,
- folded pocket, double stereographic & polar – vertical sundial
- inclined, proclined and polyhedral stereographic sundials

The paper can be downloaded free of charge from Cursiva publishers website:

http://cursiva.pl/e-ksiegarnia/vertical-stereographic-sundial-properties-construction-and-related-instruments/ <http://cursiva.pl/e-ksiegarnia/vertical-stereographic-sundial-properties-construction-and-related-instruments>

or from Academia.edu website:

https://www.academia.edu/88820719/Vertical_stereographic_sundial_Properties_construction_and_related_instruments <https://www.academia.edu/88820719/Vertical_stereographic_sundial_Properties_construction_and_related_instruments>

Have fun with it !

Vertical stereographic sundials offer plenty of possibilities for sundial makers and I believe might be a very interesting addition to existing sundial types.

As the geometric construction of vertical stereographic sundials with CAD software is time-consuming,
it would be great to include it in existing sundial design software.
I kindly ask sundial list members running such software, please consider it !


Maciej Lose

https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/sundial <https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/sundial>

Peter Mayer
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