Dear all,

English is the best way to share one's research findings with people in other 
parts of the world. If you are publishing a book in German it will only appeal 
to a small circle of readers. In this instance I chose to publish it as an 
artist's book. An artist's book does not have an ISBN number and is not 
available in bookstores. The public edition is limited to numbered and signed 
copies. Such an approach is not new but is rarely used with books.

My book has the title “Sonnenuhren des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit” 
(Medieval and early modern sundials). The print will contain over 280 
illustrations and tables of a high quality, full colour and flexible bound. To 
increase demand I have decided against making the work available digitally 
therefore there will be no pdf version or any edition that can be accessed on 
the Internet. I hope to sell at least 60 copies without loss or profit results 
in a sales price under €29, which includes all manuscript and printing costs 
(shipping and postage costs extra). The time taken in writing, editing, 
proofreading and marketing will not be charged (therefore this is only an 
information and no advertisement in gain of money).

The book summarizes the current state of research on medieval and early modern 
sundials throughout Latin Europe. In general, the upper limit will be the year 
1500. Occasionally this may be exceeded in the volume in order to do justice to 
all aspects of the subject.

The following six-part content results with the corresponding page numbers in 

1 Einführung (1 – 25): Forschungsgeschichte (1 – 5), Horen und Stunden (6 – 
13), Klassifizierung (14 – 19), Bewahren, Erhalten, Restaurieren (10 – 25).

2 Geschichte (27 – 59): Beda und die Sonnenuhr (27 – 32), Zeitmessung um die 
Jahrtausendwende (33 – 38), Die Ära der Übersetzer (39 – 44), Quadranten und 
Naviculae (45 – 50), Die Anfänge der modernen Gnomonik (51 – 59).

3 Sonnenuhren (61 – 91): Die zwölfteilige Halbkreisuhr (61 – 65), Die 
vierteilige Halbkreisuhr (66 – 69), Die sechsteilige Halbkreissonnenuhr (70 – 
73), Die achtteilige Halbkreisuhr (74 – 78), Übergangsuhren (79 – 85), 
Reisesonnenuhren des 15. Jahrhunderts (86 – 91).

4  Schriftliche Quellen (93 – 173): Inschriften (93 – 99), Schattentafeln (100 
– 105), Der Quadrans vetustissimus (106 – 113), Die Zylindersonnenuhr (114 – 
123), Regeln (124 – 132), Eine Horizontalsonnenuhr für ungleiche Stunden (133 – 
141), Die früheste Konstruktion einer Polstabuhr (142 – 147), Ein früher 
Entwurf der Süduhr (148 – 152), Die Blocksonnenuhr (153 – 162), Über das 
Zeichnen einer abweichenden Sonnenuhr (163 – 165), Die Ausarbeitung eines 
holländischen Studenten (166 – 173).

5 Einzelaspekte (175 – 215): Sonnenlöcher (175 – 179), Kreisobjekte (180 – 
183), Die Sonnenuhr am Münster St. Georg in Dinkelsbühl (184 – 188), Zeitpunkte 
(189 – 192), Horologium cum sole (193 – 195), Ortsbreiten (196 – 200), Zahlen 
am Strich als Stundenbezeichner (201 – 207), Das Phebilabium: Sonnenuhr und 
astrologisches Instrument (208 – 215).

6 Texte (217 – 250)

Literaturverzeichnis (251 – 265), Abbildungsnachweis (266), Liste der 
Subskribenten (267).

Some chapters have already been articles in sundial journals. They have been 
revised and corrected. The 6th part contains over 15 Latin medieval sundial 
texts (including the proof of the corresponding manuscripts), some of which 
were transcribed for the first time and translated into German for the book. 
The Latin version and the translation are placed next to each other in two 
columns. The bibliography and seven pages can be downloaded from the link  

If you are interested in the book, please send me an e-mail 
( with the subject "Interesse MAS". Anyone who would like to 
purchase the book already now, although the exact conditions are not yet 
available, should indicate "Erwerb MAS" in the subject line. The consecutive 
book number is assigned according to the order in which the orders are placed. 
Further notifications are not necessary, unless more than one copy is 
requested, for questions or for personal notifications. As soon as the price is 
available, everyone who responds will receive a message from me, and when 60 
orders have been received the book will go to press. If this number is not 
reached by the end of October, the project will not proceed. The website link  
<> will 
provide updates about its progress.



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