The correct way to get a citrix license is to find your local var. They should be able to get you a 30-90 day demo whether through ESD (Electronic Software Dist) or by getting you a CD. Most likely this will be Citrix Presentation Server 4.0 (their newest product)

What you can download is the proper ICA client from the Citrix site, but until you have metaframe loaded on the server, you won't be able to connect to anything.

BTW Russ,
I'm curious as to how a user is going to have two or more sessions if done properly. Also, use of network home directories and roaming profiles will eliminate the other problems mentioned.

Regarding Window managers:
If you are going the published application route, pay attention to gnome level patches as there were some bugs in Solaris 8/9 and metacity the way it would handle seamless windows. Solaris 10 does not have these problems since it has a more modern gnome. If you are doing full screen windows session, your window manager does not matter.

Lebar, Russell J wrote:
I have not had a chance to play with version 4 but previous versions
would run for 35 days before the license had to be activated. To get a
copy you will probably need to contact Citrix or your local VAR.

Both products work fine side-by-side.

The biggest headache you will probably have is suddenly users can have
two (or more sessions). So e.g. what happens if Mozilla (or Firefox) is
running in session A and the user runs it in session B? Users will be
prompted to create another profile which is not necessarily the most
desirable option. I have a Perl script I run that tries to catch this
and give the user the option to kill the other instance of the browser

You will also need to use a multi-session aware window manager/desktop
environment. CDE, Gnome, and KDE 3+ should all be fine. Some examples
from the past: KDE 1.x was not aware at all so if a user had a locked
screensaver running in session A and the user logged in to session B the
screenaver in session A would go away!!  KDE 2.x would start infinitely
forking processes the second time a user tried to log in. KDE 3.x has no
issues. Not sure about Enlightenment, Window Maker, Blackbox, etc.

-- Russ

-----Original Message-----

Hello - Maybe a little out of contents.
I would like to test out citrix presentation server.
Any idea if you can get a Citrix demo license for 30 days or so?

I'm trying to test out citrix and a Sun Ray setup.
Any help or pointers would be great...

Ralf Wiegand

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