Hi Eric,
Once you're in CAM mode, you really can't get back to a login screen. Unless of course you CAM App calls SGD, XNest, VNC, etc.

The best way to do what you want right now is to have CAM for non-card users and normal access for Card Users. You could even limit them to registered cards only.

You can very easily run different applications based of of different smartcards. Just a if/then script that looks at the token then compares that token against something (perhaps information via utuser) and then runs that application. Ex. attached (get creative/have fun!)

You could even run CAM in both card mode and non card mode running different apps based on token types. The non-card CAM session would have a token starting with "psuedo"

Eric Rife wrote:
Is it possible to have one cam application go active when a non-card
user is active and a different cam application when a valid card user is
active. i.e. I want the DTU to have a browser available to anyone that
sits at it but I only want the login screen to people that have valid

Another idea was to use "guest" cards but I don't see a way that you can
set the CAM access based on certain cards.

Any information anyone can supply would be helpful. We are evaluating
this product to use for possible windows desktop replacements.

#======Schizo4 Start======
# This is a script to start different programs (or same program in different 
# on Sun Rays running in CAM Mode.  Multiple personalities, thus the name 
# Sun Rays can display different programs based on MAC Address, Smart Card 
Tokens, Location information
# located in the SR Database.
# You can even do different programs based on a combination of the above.  For 
instance, if a Sun Ray with
# MAC Address xyz comes up without a Smart Card, run program A, if a Smart Card 
is inserted, then Run Program B.
# This version of the schizo script gets information from a smart card on what 
to run.
# For instance, let's say you are running a lab and students need different 
# You could set aside 5 cards for Windows, 5 cards for a Unix Shell, and 5 
cards for the 
# Internet.  The card you insert determines the application you get.
# The application information is not really stored on the card, it is stored in 
the Sun Ray Database,
# Associated with the token of the smart card.
# For this script, you will probably want to dis-allow access for non-card 
# Written by Craig Bender 
# -- Begin Variables --
# This sections defines they different ways to define what application
# will run on each Sun Ray.  This script will detect MAC Address,
# Sun Ray Location, and Token type.  There are many other options that
# could be used, like Sun Ray userid or Other information associated with the 
# Smartcard.
# Get the MAC Address of the Sun Ray (This only works in Bourne)
SRMAC=`cd $UTDEVROOT; pwd | sed 's/.*\(............\)/\1/'`
# Get the Token associated with the Sun Ray Session.  psuedo tokens mean
# No Smart card is inserted.  Anything else is a smart card, except user
# tokens, but they are not used with CAM.
SRTOKEN=`/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utuser -Lc |grep $SRMAC | awk '{print $1}'`
# Get the program description from the smart card.  For this demo to work 
properly all smart cards
# need to be edited in the same fashion.
# Add Users to the Smart card database.  Under the "NAME" put something like 
CARD1, in the "OTHER" information
# put a name of an application you want to run.  It does not need to be the 
name of the binary as we
# will define the applications below. In this example we will use "BROWSER" and 
# This variable looks at the smartcard inserted into the current Sun Ray and 
reads the 3rd field
# which is the "OTHER" field in the Sun Ray User Information Screen.
SCAPP2RUN=`/opt/SUNWut/sbin/utuser -l | grep $SRTOKEN | awk '{print $3}'`
# -- End Variables --
# -- Begin Application Definitions
# In this section we define either the program we want to run (or script) based 
on the different entries
# that we assigned to the SmartCard.  So this is were we will define what to 
launch for "BROWSER" and 
# Always remember that you may have to have a "Prototypes" directory setup for 
CAM mode that contains
# the neccesary files to run the applications you define.  If the applications 
require editing startup scripts
# or other variables, it is best for the Application definitions to call a 
script that sets those.
# Define App1 "BROWSER"
# Define App2 "WIN_DESKTOP"
# -- End Application Definition Section --
# In this section you will determine What Sun Ray will Run What Application.
# The logic in the script is as follows:
# Read the smart card, if there is information on the smart card on what to run,
# then run that application.  If there is not information on what to run or 
that application
# is not defined, then display an error.

        if [ ! "$SCAPP2RUN" ];then 
                /usr/dt/bin/dterror.ds  "There is no application defined for 
this smart card.\n\nPlease see your Administrator.\n" "Configuration Error" "OK"
                if [ $SCAPP2RUN = WIN_DESKTOP ];then
                elif [ $SCAPP2RUN = BROWSER ];then
                /usr/dt/bin/dterror.ds  "There is no application called 
$SCAPP2RUN.\n\nPlease see your Administrator.\n" "Configuration Error" "OK"

# ==== End of Schizo4 Script ====
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