You should not normally install the version of gdm included with the product 

That version will be installed automatically by the installer *if appropriate*.

I believe the only appropriate situation for installing that version is on SLES 
10, which had a significantly downrev version of GDM which had bugs affecting 
Sun Ray performance.

In spite of the apparent version number differences Red Hat has (apparently) 
incorporated the necessary patches in their recent releases, and thus should be 
preferentially used. Again, utinstall should do the right thing here.

What version of Red Hat are you running?

If you're experiencing problems this might be worth a try, but my expectation 
is that it will not help.


On 02/09/11 06:01, Detlev Habicht wrote:
Hello again,

i am a little bit confused. Maybe i have made a mistake.
And maybe a second time :-}

Normally i install the gdm from Sun.
Maybe i have forgotten this the last time.

So i find now from Red Hat this: gdm-2.16.0-56.el5

Sun has this: gdm-2.16.7-2.1_01.sunray.x86_64.rpm

Maybe some of the people here with 26D problems have also forgotten to install
the Sun version of gdm???

I can't test gdm in the moment. So i don't know if this helps.

But one questions: I don't find the source for the Sun version.
Is here someone who knows a URL to it?



Am 08.02.2011 um 16:24 schrieb Meik Hellmund:

On Tue, 8 Feb 2011 15:58:43 +0100
Detlev Habicht<>  wrote:

We have to recompile gdmdynamic?
Yes, in fact all of gdm

Or is there a config file somewhere in the system?
there is a comment in daemon/gdm-net.c:
  this should be configurable ......but it seems nobody did it


P.S.: I am using Red Hat.
in Debian you just do:
  apt-get build-dep gdm    (install all libraries etc neccessary for building 
  apt-get source gdm       (get the source)
  cd gdm-2.20.11
  vi daemon/gdm-net.c      (change the parameter)
  dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc  (build the package)
  dpkg -i ../gdm_2.20.11-4_amd64.deb (install)

No idea what the equivalent yum/rpm commands are.

- Meik

Meik Hellmund
Mathematisches Institut, Uni Leipzig

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