Error 5 is that some one else logged into a WTS session with the same account as one that is active. Do all the Kiosk instances use the same username/password? Did you happen to change the TS session properties at all?

On 3/25/13 2:57 PM, Vincent Sourin wrote:
Hello Everyone,

This evening all our kiosk sessions have crashed with the same error
message :
kioskcrit: [ID 702911 user.notice] Info: critical application
(pid=27667) exited with non zero status: 5

Actually, all these sessions uses a very basic custom Kiosk script which
only called uttsc binary depending on the user. So I assume that the
exit code comes from uttsc.
This script runs without any problem since 2 years now (with previous
SRSS versions) so I don't think the problem comes from the script itself.

Does anyone know where I could find uttsc exit codes so I can identify
the root cause of this problem ?

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,



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