Sup guys,

Excerpts from Roni Choudhury's message of mer. janv. 19 21:01:03 +0100 2011:
> I've noticed this from time to time as well (along with messages not
> disappearing, but instead part of the body appearing, then cut off
> with a strange error message about how sup can't load the message).  I
> find that killing the thread view buffer, then typing @ in index mode
> causes these to be fixed.  Just mentioning it because it's easier than
> restarting sup, and it may be related to the error you describe.  I'm
> also not sure how to file a bug report of that situation.

Yes I have noticed this one, it happens to me mainly when I send a
mail then perform a synchronization, probably because the sent mail
gets updated from the SentMail maildir (I use gmail), it's on the
to-fix list.

Damien Leone <>

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