Hello all,

I'm happy to report that Sup version 2 is well underway!

Sup version 2 features:
- a client/server model that works over HTTP, allowing
    a) development of other clients, e.g. web-based and phone-based
    b) simultaneous access from multiple clients
    c) IMAP emulation, aka no more lock-in!
- an improved console-based client

Heliotrope, the server component, is close to ready for a version 1 release.
You can find it at https://github.com/wmorgan/heliotrope/.

The client, which I'm calling Turnsole, is coming along swimmingly. I hope to
release a pre-alpha some-stuff-actually-works version within the next few days.
Much of the UI code has been borrowed from Sup, but the internals are quite
- it's event-based, rather than thread-based, which streamlines a lot of the
  code and avoids a whole big class of bugs.
- all the index and email threading code is ripped out
- most of the email parsing code is gone
- it handles Ruby 1.9 string encoding stuff correctly, rather than having
  random checks scattered around

I think you're going to like it, since:
- the threads are pre-computed on the server side, so it's much, much faster
- you can finally view attachments locally!

Stay tuned for more. We're still a ways off before it's a drop-in replacement,
but I'm excited about how everything is coming together.
William <wmorgan-...@masanjin.net>
Sup-devel mailing list

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