Reformatted excerpts from Horacio Sanson's message of 2011-05-20:
> Is there a way to use GMail supplied thread ids?? there is an
> extension X-GM-THRID that
> provides such information.

Not really. Heliotrope has to maintain its own message ids and thread ids.
When you feed it messages, it threads things different from how Gmail does,

> Great I rewrote the GMail -> Heliotrope script to use the improved
> POST "/message"
> and works wonderfully.


> I am attaching the new version that is cleaner and seems to work
> without problems.

Very nice. I would like to include something like this when I release
Heliotrope to the world at large, since I suspect this will be a popular
migration path. So thank you for laying the foundation.
William <>
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