On Thursday 23 June 2011 08:36:07 William Morgan wrote:
> Reformatted excerpts from Horacio Sanson's message of 2011-06-22:
> > Finally the leveldb branch is not working that well. After reaching
> > 130378 indexed messages I started the heliotrope server and the web
> > interface only showed two messages.
> What if you search for "*"?

Search for "*" return zero items...

wget http://localhost:8042/search?q=*

search(body:"*", 0, 20) took 0.0ms - - [23/Jun/2011 22:26:30] "GET /search?q=* HTTP/1.1" 200 813 0.0010
localhost - - [23/Jun/2011:22:26:30 JST] "GET /search?q=* HTTP/1.1" 200 813
http://localhost:8042/search?q=%7Einbox -> /search?q=* - - [23/Jun/2011 22:26:30] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 447 
localhost - - [23/Jun/2011:22:26:30 JST] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 447
- -> /favicon.ico

I ran the heliotrope-add with and without hooks and both resulted in no 
messages even though it reached 130378 messages indexed before crashing with a 
nil error.

Horacio Sanson
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