Excerpts from Hamish D's message of Sun Oct 16 08:09:41 -0400 2011:
> * added an asynchronous edit mode - this allows you to carry on using
> sup while composing a message in an external editor

I'm not having much luck with this feature.  I was able to write an
async-edit hook that spawned my editor in a separate gnome-terminal
window.  But when I exited async-edit mode, sup started responding to
keystrokes weirdly.  I tried to discard the message I had just
composed using 'x', so sup asked if I wanted to discard the message,
and when I hit 'y', it sent the message instead of discarding it.
After that, sup behaved as if every other keystroke was being
discarded, and I had to quit and restart.

Other than that, things look good.
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