Hello everyone,

I am playing around with heliotrope, and I've managed to writo a ruby
script to sync changes you made there in your IMAP mailbox. It is
primarily intended to be used with GMail, but nothing prevents it from
working with others.

Basically, this is how it works :
- when you make a change in heliotrope, it is written in an external file
- the script reads the file line by line and applies back any changes

At the moment, I've only logged messages and state changes. When you
send a mail with GMail, it is automatically added in GMail "Sent"
mail, so I thought heliotrope could automagically thread it, but I
haven't tested yet.

The changes in thu imap folder happen like this :
- search for a thread with the "subject" we are interested in
- label/unlabel each message in the thread
- change state of each message as written in the log file

Many problems :
- first and foremost, the link between a thread in heliotrope and the
same in GMail is done through a basic IMAP search on the entire
"subject" string. I don't know about how the threading happens in
heliotrope, but I hope both are the same
- the ruby Net::IMAP library doesn't want to send non-ascii characters
( or I'm too dumb to see how to). So I decided to do it the hard way :
remove any word (blocks of chars separated by spaces) that contains
any non-ascii characters. Well, I,ve just removed one character for
the moment, because I had an error when trying to match a UTF-8 string
with a Unicode regexp.
- "states" should be message-centered, as explained in the comments,
yet I don't know how to link messages in heliotrope and messages in
GMail. And I don't think searching through the whole body of the
messages in GMail would be very fast. So, I changed the state of all
the messages in the thread. After all, when I have an "Unseen" message
in a thread, seeing the whole thread looks interesting; same for
- I've heard the ruby IMAP lib is buggy; what is it exactly ?

All in all, the most important part of the process is just the writing
of the logfile. (One of) My main problem with switching to heliotrope
entirely is the fact that it doesn't sync with anything else. So now,
if I have a log of everything I've done, I can at least do the same
changes by hand. And the script is to be run apart from everything
else, because I don't think it's part of heliotrope job to sync with
other mailserver. In fact, this script is more of a "fiddle around to
learn ruby" script, so please don't care about the code quality =]



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