Hi Michael,

Excerpts from Michael Stapelberg's message of 2011-12-19 15:42:20 -0800:
> I am wondering what the current status of Heliotrope/Turnsole is? I
> threw my mails into it and from the first few minutes with it, it
> seems pretty usable (I didn’t have an in-depth look, though).
> Do you recommend it for daily use?

I have been using it for my personal email for a couple weeks now, so
it's certainly possible. I don't know if I would recommend it. The
obvious issues are:

- Communication with the server is still mostly synchronous, which means
  the UI is very laggy unless the server is running on the same machine.
  I'm slowly working on fixing this (there is a good async mechanism in
  there; I just have to move all the operaitons over).
- The addressbook / favorites stuff isn't in there, so you have to type
  everyone's email address out by hand all the time. Irritating.
- No drafts. Irritating.

- I occasionally see weirdnesses in search. Specifically, labels being
  "forgotten" by the server for a brief time period, and repeated
  searches of the same query getting "stuck" on later result pages for
  no apparent reason.

> Which features are missing until you want to make the first release?
> Do you need any help with anything?

The above list is what I'm interested in help with and is basically my
0.1 release goal, though possibly drafts and addressbook can be left

> Is there a migration path for sup users (to migrate labels, hooks,
> configfile)?

The hooks and config file will probably have to be done manually.
There's not really a 1-to-1 mapping.

But to the above release-ready list you can add another big one: being
able to import your sup mail into heliotrope, including labels and
message state. Right now you can basically do this if you have only one
mail source in sup. Multiple mail sources require Heliotrope being able
to reorder the index. I have code for this (bin/heliotrope-reindex) but
when I tried it I found some weird bugs, so I have to figure this one

Hope that's helpful. Now that I'm using it every day, I'm pretty
motivated to fix these things. :)
William <wmor...@masanjin.net>
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