Okay, for the IMAP interface (called imaptrope) to work, I implemented
some changes in heliotrope. They are available in
https://github.com/rakoo/heliotrope as 2 branches :

* master comes directly from yours, as of today;
* imaptrope-compliance, which adds some methods;
* mail_gem, which replaces rmail with mail from
https://github.com/mikel/mail. The former isn't maintained anymore
while the latter is, which seems better to me.

You can then try imaptrope in https://github.com/rakoo/imaptrope.
There you will have 2 branches :

* master is  ... master
* UIDPLUS aims to follow the IMAP RFC

If you want something safe, use the 'safe' tag: It is read-only.

UIDPLUS is here to help OfflineIMAP sync imap servers. Problem is,
OfflineIMAP is still under development for IMAP-IMAP sync. I will try
to use imapsync, which looks more bullet-proof.

Adding messages to heliotrope via IMAP still is buggy, mainly because
of encoding errors. Any bug report is appreciated, of course.

Happy new year !

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