Hi William,

Thanks for adding code for this. I got the chance to test this today, and I’m
afraid this doesn’t seem to be working as I would expect.

As far as I can tell from glancing at the source and the state file, this code
examines the date stored in every mail, sorts that, then checks where it
stopped before, and continues from there. I think this is a horrible way of
doing things for two reasons:

1) It involves opening every single email on disk.
2) Date specifications in emails are not to be trusted (think spam).

For the time being, I let procmail save my messages in my IMAP server and in
heliotrope with a little script, which I include here for others to see:

# Delivers mail via dovecot and heliotrope

# load RVM
. /home/michael/.rvm/scripts/rvm


cat > $TMPFILE

cat $TMPFILE | sudo -u mail -- /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d michael
cat $TMPFILE | ruby -I/home/michael/heliotrope/lib 
/home/michael/heliotrope/bin/heliotrope-add >>/tmp/last-mail.stdout 

After ensuring that it works, you should get rid of the stdout/stderr redirects
or redirect them properly to a place with logfile rotation, of course.

Note that adding mails via stdin doesn’t work until you change the code like 

Best regards,
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