Hello SuperTux team! I have been playing SuperTux version 1.3 for a long time, 
and I suddenly got an idea to Google search for any updates - and here it is, a 
lot of impressive work! I especially appreciate the ability to scroll in all 
directions, that function itself gives so much more level designing 

However, I can see that you have implemented a function where hostile objects 
gets killed whenever they get stuck into each other. This change makes it 
impossible to stack multiple hostiles in the same point, like making a tougher 
hostile object. I used to do this in your older version in the game, and I find 
it sad to lose such an awesome thing. And if you didn't place your hostiles in 
the same exact point - they would levitate up instead, making a hostile object 
rainstorm... which I also found really fun to do, it makes this simple game 
much more challening! I just don't get the point... if you design your own 
level, you place the objects in the way you want, you can even use the grid. 
Why would you ever want your designed, intented hostile objects to die at the 
same moment as they spawn?

There is also another mechanical function, when hostiles stand on each others' 
head, and gets of, they will step down in an immediate motion, like 
teleporting, like games usally handle stairsteps. This will get the hostiles to 
get stuck in each other and sadly die even more... I don't get this point 
neither... because, it looks crazy without the falling physics that even 
existed in the 1.3 version.

A level property setting for the kill-stuck-hostiles would absolutely do great, 
and if possible - the wierd stair-stepping of hostiles' heads.

I still love your fantastic work, but this mechanical change is a pretty great 
deal for me... I really hope you understand!

Thanks in advance.
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