Hi, 2016-12-03 8:41 GMT-03:00 Jonathan de Boyne Pollard: > > The nosh package is now up to version 1.29.
* I see there's a new page of the nosh Guide called "Anatomy of a login service"; it can be found in the source/ subdirectory of the source package, but it is neither listed in package/guidepages (so it won't get installed by the build system) nor hyperlinked from the index page and the pages that should apparently precede and succeed it (i.e. named as the 'Next' link of "Anatomy of a sysinit service" and as the 'Prev' link of "Creating bundles"). * The netlink-datagram-socket-listen(1) and service-is-enabled(1) utilities are not listed in any of the package/nosh-*.commands1 files of the source package. I don't use the binary packages so I can't check, but I would think the result is that these utilities don't get included in any of them (the former likely belongs in the nosh-exec* packages and the latter in the nosh-service-management* packages). Thanks, G.