On 2022-10-17 23:42, Peter Shkenev wrote:
> ...
> 1) User services are services running as a given user and started at a
> boot time
> This option is a trivial one with s6.
> 2) User services are services defined by users and running supervised
> when the user wants it.
> You can implement this with s6-usertree-maker [1], which would provide
> you with a supervision tree rooted in a system one which can be managed
> by user. User will have its own scandir and they can use all commands
> provided by s6/s6-rc on their scandir.

Thanks Peter, this was actually helpful and enchanced my mental model.
I think I get get away for now with a user's tree rooted in the system
tree. My graphics environment (sway) can start necessary services
when it is started.

> > - Minor: a test utility for svscan dir would be nice
> > - Minor: a test utility for live dir would be nice
> If you use s6-rc, those are the same directories, filled by s6-rc-init
> and changed by s6-rc-update. So the test would actually test those
> utilities, I guess.

By testing I meant checking if the directory has an active process
watching it. I believe there is a function in skalibs  fd_lock [1]
that svscan uses to check if another svscan runs there. I think it is
just a matter of exposing that function as standalone executable.

[1] https://github.com/skarnet/skalibs/blob/master/src/libstddjb/fd_lock.c


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