Should every s6-log daemon have it's own config file or shall they all share
What kind of stuff are you putting in the config file? Is it just a
template for a logging script?
Is there any general issue with the global env's from s6-linux-init's env
directory, which makes sourcing the same config file in every s6-log script a
better choice for a global config?
The global environment defined in s6-linux-init applies to *all*
processes in the system. It's not nice to pollute it with stuff that
would only apply to a pretty restricted subset of all the processes
on the machine.
Source your config file in every logger run script you have, and
leave the global environment alone. There will be no performance issue.
For more configurability, you could e.g. have a default logging
hardcoded in your run scripts, that you could override via a service-
specific configuration file.