
> In Void, installed inetutils-telnet.
> # telnet localhost
> Trying ::1...
> Connection failed: Connection refused
> Trying
> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
> #
> # ps aux | grep telnetd
> root       754  0.0  0.0   2388  1280 ?        Ss   07:18   0:02 runsv telnetd
> root       773  0.0  0.0   2508  1280 ?        S    07:18   0:00 vlogger -t 
> telnetd -p daemon
> root     32002  0.0  0.0   6600  2432 pts/3    S+   08:32   0:00 grep telnetd
> telnetd is running and declined the connection request?

This does not suggest telnetd is running, as no process of these is

Use "sv status telnetd" to check, it probably says "down: ...".

> Can I learn more from a log?  If so, how is the log accessed?
> cat ... ?

If you still use socklog-unix, look at /var/log/socklog/daemon/current

Else try to start the telnetd run script manually and look for errors:

Else post the script, it seems to be manually created.

As telnetd classically needs to be started from inetd, you need to use
some tcpserver to launch it (djb tcpserver or s6-tcpserver).

Leah Neukirchen  <>

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