On 24/06/2014 09:03, Vincent de RIBOU wrote:
Can you summarize your feeling against systemd.

 It's not a question of feelings, it's a question of technical
merit. You can find various arguments for, or against, systemd
out there, and I very much do not wish to import *that* discussion
into this mailing-list; you can find plenty of it in other places.

 The technical arguments against systemd are very well summed up
by Rich Felker here: http://ewontfix.com/14/
 Less technical, more political, but still valid, arguments, are
summed up here: http://boycottsystemd.org/
 For equity: http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/why.html

 Now please, let me repeat that I do not want discussion about
systemd to happen here. It's a subject that people easily get
passionate and emotionally involved about, which is a good thing
- it shows that there's a real, important issue, that needs to
be solved - but it's really hard to keep a level-headed, civil
and constructive discussion. Most systemd threads out there turn
into flamefests after a few posts (if that), involve very little
technical knowledge,  and are basically a waste of time.

 We want to provide a real, usable alternative. Our goal is not
to stand against systemd, but to have a clean, well-designed,
lighter and less monolithic init system so users have a choice.
systemd is not our focus; discussing systemd takes us away from
our focus. If you (not specifically Vincent, but anyone on the
mailing-list) feel the need to argue that systemd solves world
hunger and we don't need anything else, please take it off the
mailing-list. If you feel the need to argue that systemd is a
horrible pile of crap, my heart is with you, but please also take
it off the mailing-list.


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